Fancy a trip to Europe in the Autumn? Well I certainly did.
Last week I returned from Europe where I attended the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) conference in Lyon, France. Needless to say the whole trip was great and the little bit of sightseeing we did was good fun too :) Lyon is a beautiful city a couple of hours southeast of Paris. It's very green and quaint. We loved the daily walk from our hotel to the conference venue, which took us through a big inner city park, and the 3Euro per week bicycles we hired to ride around various parts of the city. The ESERA conference boasted 1,200 attendees and 14 different strands of science education for people to choose between. I attended sessions in the Environmental Education strand, as you might imagine.
On the final morning of the 5 day conference I gave a poster presentation that featured my work on intergenerational influence and pro-environmentalism. The results and conclusions I presented were based on my analysis of 18 sets of interviews with parents and their children, from two sustainable schools in Perth. My research addressed the question, 'Do children influence the environmental knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of their parents?'.
The poster (seen below) was a great success! I had over 25 conversations with other researchers about my work, and a direct invitation from the Editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Science Education to write an article for his B journal. What a compliment! :)
If you're interested in a handout or discussion regarding my research please be in touch.
This blog is a way of communicating some of the insights I've gleaned through my research, interesting articles and websites that I happen across while travelling through cyberspace, and generally sharing my journey as a PhD student.
About Me
- Zarin Salter
- I am currently three years into a PhD in the field of Education for Environmental Sustainability. My research explores the effects of whole-school education for sustainability on the attitudes, behaviour and environmental knowledge of upper-primary school children and their families. I have an honours degree in Marine Science and after graduating in 2006 I worked as the Marine Programs Officer and Lead Guide for a Perth based marine education program. I also have extensive volunteer experience working with youth in various environmental, social and spiritual empowerment programs, especially within the Bahá’í community and with Millennium Kids. These work and volunteer roles have deepened my belief in the positive potential of young people who are informed and empowered to act for environmental issues they care about, and supported and encouraged by their community to do so. After completing my PhD I hope to work in the area of environmental program development, evaluation and refinement with the aim of becoming a consultant.